CO2 and cognitive performance
December 20, 2024Since a few years I’ve been working a lot from home. During these work-from-home days I noticed something troubling: after a few hours, I often felt sluggish and sleepy.
The roots of content sharing
December 12, 2024This personal site helps me stay hands-on, experiment with technologies, and understand how they work — adding an RSS feed embraces a key open-web standard.
A place to call my own
December 1, 2024I’ve been thinking a lot about having a space that feels truly mine. A place to share the occasional project I’m proud of, without handing it over to other platforms.
Declutter your mind and desk
December 29, 2023Outside it's windy and cold. Lovely weather for my end-of-year chore: scanning incoming documents with my Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500.