Declutter your mind and desk

December 29, 2023

Outside it's cold and windy. Typical Dutch weather, perfect for my end-of-year task: scanning the stack of paper documents that has once again piled up. Armed with my Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 I transform my papers into digital versions.

My wonderfull Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500
My wonderfull Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500

Do you know that feeling when you can’t even see your desk because of the piles of paper stacking up? It’s like living in a document pyramid. But there is hope! With an OCR scanner like the Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500, that stack literally becomes paperless. No more shoving paper into folders, no more breaking off corners of your desk to make room. Everything is saved in a handy file on your computer. And trust me, you’ll feel liberated—both in your space and in your mind.

The magic of OCR

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) may sound like a term you only hear in sci-fi movies, but it’s the real magic that transforms your paper documents into digital files that not only fit on your computer but are smart enough to understand what's written on them. So, imagine this: an important invoice, a contract, or that letter from the tax office. Thanks to OCR, you can simply search with Spotlight on macOS for that one sentence you need so urgently, instead of flipping through piles of paper endlessly. Find what you need in a blink of an eye. You won’t have to flip through paper, and everything is always at your fingertips.

Legal Obligations? No More Stress!

But wait, what if I destroy my documents? Don’t I need to keep everything for the tax office or other legal reasons? No worries! When it comes to documents that you really need to keep, digitizing is your best friend. Many important documents (like tax returns or contracts) can be safely digitized and stored, as long as you comply with the legal requirements. Some documents must be kept for a certain period, but even then, digital archiving is ideal. You’re no longer at risk of losing them due to fire or water damage, and you can always back them up. The only thing you need to do is make sure your digital files are properly organized and stored.

Decluttering your documents is not just about clearing your desk—it's about creating space in your mind for what truly matters.

A tidy home and a happy planet

After scanning your documents it’s time to recycle them all. And that’s not just good for your space, but also for the environment! No more paper towers, no unwanted clutter filling up your home. All those documents you’ll never need again get a new life as recycled paper. It’s a win-win situation: your home is tidy, and the planet is happy.

Mental space

By digitizing all your documents, you not only create a clutter-free workspace but also mental space. No more frustrations over lost papers or hours spent looking for something in that massive stack. Instead, you can spend your time doing better things in life!

Safety first: Backups and encryption

You might be thinking, "But what if it gets lost digitally?" True, but unlike paper documents, you can easily back up digital files. A backup to a cloud solution, external disk (save it to another loction) gives you a safe place for your important documents. And for extra security, you can even encrypt your documents. Say goodbye to loss and theft!

So, what are you waiting for? Hook up a Fujitsu ScanSnap or another OCR scanner and transform your paper documents into digital files. Goodbye clutter, hello organization and space!

This not only will you clean up your desk, but your mind as well. And that’s maybe the most magical transformation you can make. Happy scanning!